
disаstег islапd

I recently did a drawing for a group show at the ROTOPOL PRESS
The theme was The Ultimate Disaster. I had this concept I came up with for a console game when I was around 12, called Disaster Island. It was all about surviving as castaways on a number of small islands (different stages) as long as possible, and things would be constantly thrown your way. I might do more of these, not sure yet.
I think you can perhaps buy it as a print from Rotopol, but I'm not completely sure about that yet. Write me an email if you are interested and I'll figure it out.

Some close-ups.




Here's some sketches I did at a book festival a couple of weeks ago with unsubtle markers on a huge piece of paper. They had to be open somehow, for a collaborative purpose.

Testing things out for a future project.


A commission.

The final poster for Cirkus Petri, here without text.

Trying some things out.

Some fiddling about with a digital brush vs real ink.